Magnolia West High School
Band & Guard Booster Club
What is a Band Booster Club?
Our purpose is to support the band and guard program with our time, energy and resources. ​We raise and collect funds and serve as a valuable resource for the students and directors by volunteering at games and competitions for both the band and guard program.
Who are the Band Booster Club Members?
You Are!
Everyone who pays their Fair Share Fee is a Member of the Band Booster Club (BBC). The BBC meets every 3rd Tuesday of the month to plan and all members are encouraged to attend these meetings to stay informed of the many volunteer opportunities and needs of our band program.
Who are the BBC Board Members?
Board Members are Parent Volunteers, just like you, who are elected to their position and run specific areas of the organization such as ordering supplies & equipment, managing uniforms, coordinating volunteers and keeping track of all meetings and fundraising.
How do I become an active volunteer for the Band Booster Club?
Parents must submit a background check through the Magnolia ISD School District to become an approved volunteer. (Click the MISD Volunteer Form Button below for link) Once approved, forward the approval email to our Parent Volunteer Coordinator at: MWHSBBCvolcoord@gmail.com to notify you are an approved volunteer.
Once approved, you can begin volunteering at Football Games, Contests and Competitions via the Charms Office Assistant website.
Additional information can be found on the Band Booster Club, its members, meeting minutes, financial information and By-Laws on this website.
Visit our page by clicking Booster Club in the menu above or the button below.